Monday 19 January 2015



In todays session we looked at timelines and how we use them as a method of learning a process to something. The advantage of using a timeline is that you can lay out a process of something chronologically so that it is easy to understand. We first looked at existing timelines like th one below which is a history of social media. As you can see it is laid out left to right in chronological order which helps communicate the information of the timeline.

Here we have started to make our own timelines on a process of our choice. I chose to do Still Life Photography because we have learnt the process recently within college. This design is a lot simpler compared with the one above as the process is less information heavy. You can clearly see the process which is communicated in this timeline and i think that i have learnt a useful skill in knowing how to communicate a process through a timeline. This skill will be useful in the future when trying to plan a project or communicating a process through graphics.

It also can be incredibly useful to see the correct process of work for projects as a whole. We did a group exercise where we planned out the different stages of a project (brief, plan, research, ideas, development, recording, evaluation, outcomes) with a start to finish at the top. We then showed at what stage we do these processes.  

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